Friday 21 May 2010

Rob Pattinson - Homme Greece

Heres is the interview from the Greek magazine Homme;

Q: When did you become aware of the hysteria surrounding your persona?
A: I had no idea of the hysteria surrounding Twilight, specially when we were filming the first movie. But when we came back to LA for some reshoots, we met 500 and more fans screaming and some girls were asking for autographs. There are a lot of girls who cry as well- but lately more and more want me to bite them, and that worries me a little bit. Once a girl asked me what she could do to get my attention. I told her to take her clothes off and she actually started to take her clothes off. Some people really would do anything…

Q. How do you feel about all this fame?
A. Overnight I wasn’t able to be a normal person anymore. I remember the day before the premiere of “Harry potter and the goblet of fire” I stood in Leicester Square and no one knew who I was. Suddenly people start screaming as soon as they see me. I mean, crazy!

Q. When did you decide to be an actor?
A. When I was 12, everything changed in my life. I went to a mixed school and I found out what it felt like to be cool. I discovered the hair gel as well. One day I was with my father in a restaurant and we were looking at some girls who had just ended their class in the local drama school. My father suggested I entered that school. I didn’t know exactly what his purposes were by suggesting me that, but I entered. It ended up being my only way out. I was among those guys who didn’t like doing their homework or studying. According to my teachers, I had great possibilities, but I was too lazy to find out. I really had no interest in school.

Q Do you like being interviewed?
A During interviews I’m extremely nervous. I don’t want to stay silent, because otherwise I would burst into tears owing to my nervousness. I just say the first thing that comes to mind. Of course the only way to protect your private life is to keep your mouth shut and not to talk about it with anyone. But, unfortunately, I have to talk. It’s in the contract.

Q If you had an actor to look up to, who would he be?
A Actors don’t seem to mention him that much, but I admit looking up to James Dean.

Q How do you feel when you face shows up on screen?
A I don’t like watching my movies. I hate seeing my face on screen because I am always worried about not being fake. I have always been worried about that and about looking like someone who fakes his emotions, I remember that when I was in my teens a girl that I was in a relationship with had cheated on me and so I tried to cry but it was a total failure. I couldn’t feel anything.

Q. Are you afraid of failure?
A. I think that when you fancy yourself as invincible, nothing matters. I understood that when , after I got my role in Harry Potter, everyone saw me as the hottest guy in all the UK. But then, all the noise ceases and no one cares. It’s important to understand that as soon as possible. In the end, no one cares about you.

Q. What do you think will happen when the twilight saga ends?
A. I don’t know. I’m a bit scared of the idea, to be honest.

Q. And if everything ended right now, how would you feel?
A. I don’t care. What is important to me right now is to be seen as a serious actor. I don’t want to be ashamed either of what I am or what I do.

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